A group of about 10 anti-lockdown protesters gathered at the Bridge of Remembrance in central Christchurch about 1pm yesterday.
Police say they "engaged and encouraged" the protesters to comply with alert level 4 restrictions.
However, three were taken into custody when they refused to do so.
Kyle Chapman, along with 46-year-old Adam Nuttall and a 56-year-old woman were charged with failing to comply with a direction/prohibition/restriction (Covid-19). The charge carries a maximum penalty of six months' imprisonment.
They are appearing at Christchurch District Court today.
The Herald dialled in remotely to view the court proceedings.
Chapman, 50, who lives in Christchurch, appeared on audio visual link (AVL) from custody wearing a 'Freedom for the children' T-shirt.
Duty lawyer Rupert Ward made a bail application on behalf of Chapman, which was opposed by police.
Judge Quentin Hix declined bail and remanded him in custody to reappear in court, via AVL again, next Tuesday.
Nuttall was also declined bail and will be back in court next week.