Waikaka defend their 32nd challenge

Waikaka Golf Club members are (from left) Irene Henderson, Fayeanne Lamb, Pauline Weir, Lynne...
Waikaka Golf Club members are (from left) Irene Henderson, Fayeanne Lamb, Pauline Weir, Lynne Hall, Denise Sutherland, Sharon Irwin, Lois Byars, Janis Steel and Dianne Cleland celebrating the 32nd time they have won the challenge for the Gilmour Roseball, the Southland women’s matchplay trophy. Photo: Sandy Eggleston
The women at Waikaka Golf Club have not only broken their own record, but they still have a silver rosebowl to display flowers.

A five-member Waikaka team thwarted the Gore Golf Club’s 32nd challenge for the Gilmour Rosebowl which is the Southland women’s matchplay trophy.

Waikaka have held the rosebowl since November 2020.

It is the most times a club has defended a challenge.

Before that, the club held the rosebowl from 2014 to 2017 and repulsed 26 challenges before losing the trophy.

Clubs challenge for the trophy 10 months of the year, and a draw is not enough for them to take home the rosebowl.

Ladies club captain Sharon Irwin said it was the third time the Gore club had attempted to win the rosebowl.

"It was probably the most evenly matched challenge we’ve had over those 32 [challenges].

"It was a great challenge today.

"Gore were very worthy opponents."

Waikaka won the challenge three matches to two.

Each challenge, member Pauline Weir arranged flowers in the rosebowl ready for the trophy presentation.

"She always incorporates something from the golf course — some greenery or some berries or blossoms."

In some ways the members would be glad if a club took the trophy away, but the nature of competing meant they were not going to give it up easily.

"If you’re picked for the team no-one’s going to go out there and lose — it’s not your mentality."

The course was in very good condition.

"Our folk that look after the course are all volunteers, some of them spend hours and hours here every week.

"The grounds staff are doing an amazing job."