Reunited with ring after boy's chance find

Janice McGuire is now keeping the ring in a safe place. PHOTO: GREYMOUTH STAR
Janice McGuire is now keeping the ring in a safe place. PHOTO: GREYMOUTH STAR

Janice McGuire has been reunited with a piece of Blackball family history after a chance find by a local boy - her mother's wedding ring, missing for more than 65 years.

Rocky Raftery-Rowan, who serendipitously found the lost ring. PHOTO: GREYMOUTH STAR
Rocky Raftery-Rowan, who serendipitously found the lost ring. PHOTO: GREYMOUTH STAR
The ring disappeared at Janice's childhood home on the corner of Brodie St and Town Belt South, after Janice's mother Lotus had been working in the garden.

Lotus and Lyell Biddulph were married in 1945, when Mr Biddulph worked at the Blackball mine. The house was part of the employment package.

Janice lived in the house from two weeks old until she was 16.

"When the Blackball mine closed in 1964, they decided not to maintain the mine houses, and mum and dad were instead offered the house next door," she says.

The house on that corner section was subsequently demolished, leaving behind only exposed concrete piles and yellow flag irises.

More recently, Kelly Raftery and her son Rocky have taken up residence in a 'tiny home', and are developing the section.

Janice says: "A couple of weeks ago I went for a drive with my friend Rhonda (Bowkett) and I saw them working in their yard, and I said, 'I wonder if they come across Mum's wedding ring?'"

The Biddulph family - Janice, left, with siblings Maurice and Richard, and mother Lotus outside...
The Biddulph family - Janice, left, with siblings Maurice and Richard, and mother Lotus outside the family home in Blackball where the ring was lost. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A few days later, Rhonda was speaking to Kelly and Rocky and mentioned that her friend "lived here as a child and wondered if you ever found a ring?"

Spookily, Rocky had indeed come across the ring in question - just the day before.

"He liked to prospect for treasures and things," says Janice, "and he was happy to return it".

The precious item is now being kept in a safe place.

"Mum looked for it and looked for it and she couldn't find it, it was missing at least 65 years. I'm worried I'll lose it again!"

- By Meg Fulford