Preparation key for smooth start to season

Timaru brothers James (left) and Daniel Laming show off their haul at last year’s season opener....
Timaru brothers James (left) and Daniel Laming show off their haul at last year’s season opener. PHOTO: RHYS ADAMS
Hunters around the region will be up at the quack of dawn on Saturday as the duck-shooting season officially opens.

Central South Island Fish & Game officer Rhys Adams said early preparation was key to getting things right on the day.

"Opening weekend of the duck season is a much-anticipated event around New Zealand, famed for reconnecting friends and family and providing a few free-range duck dinners.

"Hunters should have their location for opening sorted and mai mais scrubbed up in advance, so they are poised and ready to go at dawn.

"The dry summer may have caused some hunting ponds to go dry. We encourage hunters to check their ponds ... to organise an alternative spot if required."

Results from the annual Central South Island Fish & Game game-bird population survey suggested hunters could expect to encounter moderate numbers of game birds during the season.

The paradise shelduck population survey across the region revealed moderate numbers in all areas except in the Mackenzie Basin where relatively low numbers were observed.

Over the Canterbury Plains, the mallard duck was also seen in moderate numbers.

A survey was also taken at the significant hunting ground of Wainono Lagoon and the associated wetlands in late March.

It found mallard numbers at Wainono were relatively low and paradise shelduck were moderate, while the black swan and shoveler duck numbers were some of the highest on record.

Central South Island Fish & Game compliance co-ordinator Hamish Stevens said rangers would be active around the region

"Hunters are reminded to purchase their game-bird licences and review the 2024 game season regulations.

"The consequences of being caught hunting without a game-bird licence or breaching the game-bird regulations are significant, hunters face seizure of their shot guns, ammunition and birds and an appearance in the district court.

"Rain, hail or shine — we hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable opening weekend and we look forward to meeting hunters in the mai mais while we are out ranging."

The Central South Island region game-bird season is open until July 28 for waterfowl species mallard duck, grey duck, New Zealand shoveller duck, black swan and pūkeko.

The daily bag limits for the hunters’ most targeted species are 50 for mallard ducks and 25 for paradise shelduck.