Steampunk’s worth could be assessed

Steampunks fill a room in Oamaru during last year’s Steampunk Festival. The Waitaki District...
Steampunks fill a room in Oamaru during last year’s Steampunk Festival. The Waitaki District Council is considering analysing the economic benefits from the Steampunk movement in Oamaru. Photo: Hamish MacLean.
The economic benefits for Oamaru of the Steampunk movement could soon be quantified.

Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher said an economic benefits study, conducted with the help of University of Otago students, could happen soon.

This week is the eighth Steampunk NZ Festival Weekend, and traditionally the event brings in people to the area who spend money on accommodation and food.

"The idea would be to quantify what it brings."

The study would help the Waitaki District Council, Tourism Waitaki and other groups make decisions "in that space", Mr Kircher said.

"Is it going to be a point of difference?"

There were other places in New Zealand keen to claim the title of Steampunk capital of New Zealand, a mantle Oamaru enjoyed, so the town needed to choose if it would "roll over" and let outside towns take it away or make a point of embracing it.

Economic development group Venture Waitaki chairman Simon Berry said a workshop would be a better option than a study and could encompass a look into the other activities Waitaki strived in such as cuisine and adventure tourism.

"A workshop is more action."

Steampunk was a positive for the area, he said, but is it being harnessed with a regional tourism growth strategy?

Mr Kircher acknowledged Steampunk was not for everyone so if the council and town did envelop the pop-culture genre more it would not be compulsory for residents to take part in it. 

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