Split water pipe causes flood

John Sturgeon
John Sturgeon
Family business Hakataramea Motors was flooded on Friday night when a Waitaki District Council water pipe split.

The Kurow Volunteer Fire Brigade was called to the Kurow business about 9.30pm after the underground pipe cracked and water seeped to the surface through the tarseal, brigade chief John Sturgeon said.

The wife of Hakataramea Motors owner Barry Parker, Di Parker, said one of the workshop bays flooded but the damage could have been much worse.

One of the volunteer firefighters who answered the call was employed by the business and had a key to the building on him.

He went inside and start lifting boxes of valuable documents off the floor to keep them dry.

There was about ``two to three inches'' of water inside the building, she said.

To minimise flooding of the business, the brigade relieved the pressure on the pipe by opening up fire hydrants at the bottom end of Liverpool St and also on the main road.

``There was a danger of it blowing sky high.''

She said brigade members stayed to helped mop out the garage.

The business opened yesterday with business as usual, Mrs Parker said.

Council water services and waste manager Martin Pacey said repair work on the pipe was completed early on Saturday morning.

The exact age of the pipe was unknown, but it was likely to be some of the original town pipe- work, so could be 60 to 70 years old.

``On average, the pipe network is about halfway through its useful life.''

The cost of the repair was not yet available, he said.

``Repairs can cost anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars depending on the size of the job. This was at the lower end of the scale.''

He said the council responded to anywhere between five to 10 water leaks per day, of varying sizes from the almost 2000km of water mains it owns and operates within the district.



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