Security at salmon farm beefed up

Police continue to investigate an incident in which 6000 young salmon were released from a Twizel salmon farm, and new information may be released later this week.

On May 19 a net on the side of a pond at High Country Salmon was cut and the fish released into the Ohau hydro canal and Lake Ruataniwha, leaving the business thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Business owner Peter Logan said the fish carried a value of $20,000 as they were not fully grown, but would have been worth $150,000 fully grown.

He said the public had been supportive since the incident.

He said he rejected a rumour the person behind the vandalism was a disgruntled ex-employee.

''There's no proof. I don't think that's the case.''

He had installed security lights and cameras at the fish farm since the incident.

''Unfortunately we've had to take those steps.''

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