From grassroots Futsal to top of the national league

Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar Centre.
skill beats size every time...
Skill beats size every time.
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar
Futsal at the Edgar

After 10 games, The Southern United Futsal team is cruising five points clear at the top of the NZ National Futsal League.

It has beaten Auckland 9-3, Central 8-2, and scored 28 goals. 

Futsal is all about good ball technique, and nowhere is it learned better than at the Edgar Centre Dunedin, where manager Mike Clark and a team of Futsal South coaches inspire youngsters from an early age. 

There you can see  thousands of children playing a near injury-free game and learning the skills of balance, feints, side steps and shooting. 

And among the great range of children who play at all levels, plus some very keen adults, you might see senior players on the next court - yes, the guys who are leading the National Futsal League. 


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