At heart, it's our soul that really counts

It's not what we look like. It's who we are inside that matters.

The statement has been repeated by many to encourage those who can't get a date, get a job or obtain friends.

A cliched statement, but a good one nonetheless.

In essence, all we are is what medieval man called the soul.

They believed, as many still do today, that the soul was the only thing that survived the trial of death.

The body, after all, is only a vessel through which we move and communicate, and the brain is but the cognitive wheel that moves us ceaselessly and helps us move and create; but our soul or inner self is what really matters.

It is the thing that makes us an individual, something that presses us onward and holds our loves, our fears and our traits inside.

It holds our humour, our ideas and our honour.

Without a soul, what would we be but mindless automations, moving ceaselessly from day to day, working our bodies with our grey matter.

Inside ourselves, only we really know what truths we hold, what aspirations we can make towards the future.

People don't like each other for physical appearances for much longer than a day if you have no personality, or if you throw up a mask to block your true self and try to appear hip and cool to the group of people everyone regards as such.

But in reality, you'll find yourself lost and you won't have your metaphorical soul if you throw up that mask.

That fake mentality that you are a graffiti artist, a skate boarder - you are you, and nothing else.

It's easy to disregard your personality when you are sad or depressed.

Unfortunately, no-one likes it when you do this.

Sadness is allowed, but don't let it eat you away. Life is too short to be depressed.

Tell a couple of jokes, lighten up, be friendly, invite someone around to play a video game, watch a movie or play some sport.

Spending time with other people who have similar traits to you will always make you feel better.

Don't let sadness get you down.

Mourn, but never linger on that feeling for longer than needed.

The soul is the most important part of what makes a human being a human.

You have personality - you are likeable, relatable.

The soul is the one part of your body that can never be destroyed; so your ideals will always survive and live on.

Honour. Courage. Justice. Order. Freedom.

There's a whole world out there for the taking, so don't worry about your appearance, when there are souls who can look into yours.


 By Jacob Cone (Year 10, Kaikorai Valley College)


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