Quiz-night fundraiser for Brighton man

Planning is under way for a quiz night to raise funds for a Brighton man recently diagnosed with cancer.

The quiz night at Nellie's Bar and Grill on May 18 is to help support Neil Brownlie, who was recently diagnosed with Burkitt's lymphoma.

Mr Brownlie is unable to work because of his illness.

Saddle Hill Community Board chairman Scott Weatherall is helping to organise the quiz. He said Mr Brownlie's reputation as a ‘‘pillar of the community'' meant many locals were happy to get behind the cause.

‘‘Neil's family's always been a good contributor to the community.‘‘

Neil's illness has affected a lot of people.

‘‘A quiz night is an opportunity to try and do something positive to raise a few wee funds to help the family with what is going to be a pretty challenging time.''

The privilege of living in a small community was that people knew each other and were happy to help when somebody faced difficulties, Mr Weatherall said.

Funds raised would help Mr Brownlie to concentrate on his treatment and getting well, he said.

There will be raffles and spot prizes also available on the quiz night. There is a $5 entry fee per person and people are invited to form teams of four to six people.

■For more information or to register a team, contact Nellie's Bar and Grill on 489-5062.


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