Hundreds demand ceasefire

Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Hundreds of protesters filled the Octagon on Saturday, demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The protest had a special meaning as Saturday was Palestine’s Land Day, marking 48 years since Israel Defence Forces and Israeli police fired on unarmed Palestinian protesters on March 30, 1976 — killing six citizens.

One of the protest organisers, Brandon Johnstone, said there had been various fundraisers over the past week to support local Palestinian families in Dunedin, including a man whose family is trying to get out of Gaza.

There had been about 22 protests in Dunedin so far, and Mr Johnstone said they would "keep going as long as the siege is ongoing", and possibly longer.

"The kaupapa [subject] for this is calling for a ceasefire, but also calling for an end to the occupation. It’s been going on for the better part of 75 years.

"Unfortunately, people tend to mostly pay attention when things get really bad."

