Kiwis more climate-concerned than Aussies: survey

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New Zealanders are more concerned about climate change than Australians, a new report finds, and want developed countries to do more to curb emissions.

An international study of public opinion by market researchers Ipsos, released to coincide with Earth Day shows attitudes towards global warming in 33 nations.

The headline findings are that fewer people - down 13 percent in three years - feel they will be failing future generations by not taking action on climate change.

Some people - particularly young men - have given up on mitigation. A third of millennial and Gen Z males say "it is too late to do anything about climate change".

However, Australians are the least likely nationality of the 33 surveyed to be jaded, with just 16 percent agreeing with that statement.

While Australians believe more could be done, they don't believe the government is leading the way.

Just 24 percent of Australians say their country is a global leader on climate change - below the global average of 31 percent. New Zealand is on 32 percent.

"Despite rising global apathy towards climate change, New Zealanders believe that it's not too late to act," Ipsos NZ managing director Carin Hercock said.

A comparison of attitudes shows New Zealanders are more supportive of climate action than Australians.

Asked whether government, business and individuals should do more, New Zealanders offered support above the global average while Australians offered less.

On the key statement "my country should do more in the fight against climate change", 57 percent of Australians and 64 percent of New Zealanders agreed.

More New Zealanders also believed rich countries should do more than developing nations.

Some 61 percent of Australians agreed with that statement, compared with 74 percent of New Zealanders.


* "The government has a clear plan in place for how government, businesses and people themselves are going to work together to tackle climate change"

Support for statement - global average: 31 percent, Australia: 24, NZ: 32

- "My country is a global leader on climate change"

Support - global: 31, Australia: 24, NZ: 32

- "My country should do more in the fight against climate change"

Support - global: 63, Australia: 57, NZ: 64

- "Climate change is beyond our control - it's too late to do anything about it"

Support - global: 25, Australia: 16, NZ: 20

- "The negative impact of climate change is too far off in the future for me to worry about it"

Support - global: 23, Australia: 19, NZ: 15

- "Developed countries should do more to combat climate change"

Support - global: 70, Australia: 61, NZ: 74

- Source: 2024 Ipsos Earth Day survey: Public opinion on climate change