My heart belongs in Los Cabos

Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, whatever you wish to call it, Cabo is my dream ideal, daily office.

I feel most people have heard of Cabo, whether it be from TV, a glossy magazine or reading that Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox, from the classic sitcom Friends, frequent this location for their annual summer vacation. Just the word "Cabo" can instantly create an illustration in one’s mind of beach, warmth, champagne sand, yummy tacos and the best margaritas. Or, on reflection, maybe I’m describing my own thoughts, as Los Cabos over the years has become an ultimate holiday destination for Steve and I.

Los Cabos is all of the above and so much more. Located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico, just a hop, skip and a jump from the City of Angeles (Los Angeles). There is just something uber cool about a place where you arrive at the airport, and cocktail kiosks are located outside — to then be able to order a drink of your choice, prepared for you to enjoy on your ride to your beachside resort. Add into the equation numerous exchanges of the local greeting ‘‘Hola!’’, which transforms us automatically into the ultimate, "Yay I am on holiday mode" feeling.

The resort concept in Los Cabos is truly one of a kind, with the central nucleus being the rather grandiose aqua blue piscinas, (Spanish for pool). We particularly love staying at Pueblo Benito Rose, located on the stunning Medano Beach. The way the resort rooms are positioned around the pool, almost all are guaranteed a sea view, showcasing beachfront at its finest. You feel you could almost touch the famous Cabo arch with your fingertips from your private veranda, offering a sense of luxury and elegance, evoking your typical happy Mexican atmosphere.

Cabo Pueblo Benito Rose, on Medano Beach.
Cabo Pueblo Benito Rose, on Medano Beach.
Nothing beats waking up each morning, and stepping outside your suite to see what each day will bring to amaze. Think of it like a beautiful artwork you love staring at, yet each time there is something new and exciting to enjoy with the naked eye. Super yachts and/or cruise ships docked, or maybe a plethora of jet skis out and about, skimming past on the amazingly calm ocean, looking like sheets of glistening glass, shimmering in the basking sun. Another fun observation are the beach vendors (vendedor de playa) decked out in their white attire, setting up and getting ready for a hopefully busy day’s trade.

There is just something relaxing and fun, jovially bartering on the beach for whatever may tickle your fancy. The saying "senorita I got what you want" never much far off the mark. Over our times of experiencing Cabo San Lucas, we have happily acquired cleverly crafted homewares, an abundance of beach hats (we love hats) and more to bring all the way home down yonder.

Cabo offers some seriously good margaritas.
Cabo offers some seriously good margaritas.
A key gem that always gets us excited when travelling is the cuisine. True Mexican food is simply divine. We love mixing it up with delicious fresh resort food and dining at local establishments. Our all time favourite is not surprisingly The Office. Situated only a stone’s throw from Pueblo Benito, you can find us there for lunch and a spicy margarita. Positioned right on the beach, this famous restaurante is hard to miss with its bright kaleidoscope of coloured flags and tablecloths and always a vibrant ambience.

Nothing surpasses having fresh guacamole made at your table, devouring shrimp ceviche mixed with the most flavourful salsa that you can tell by most senses has just been picked from sun-ripened tomato vines nearby. The sand between your toes, watching the sea waves lap the shore, being entertained by a local band in full Mexican ensemble. I find myself thinking "If only this was my daily place of business". Not sure such an environment would contribute to high productivity levels, but the thought is very appealing!

Walking back along the beach we bump into our friend, Rice and Beans (yes that is his name), who we had hired a jet ski off a few days earlier and on a previous visit. In his very friendly manner, as everyone is in this treasured place, he remarks "you want to go for another ride amigo?"

We jovially reply, "Maybe tomorrow amigo, gracias!".

Oh yes tomorrow! As we watch another Mexican sunset over sundowners, chatting about our fun day in this utopia, we really cannot wait for what another day will bring, knowing happily we still have several days to engulf and savour the loveable land of Cabo San Lucas.

— Alex Hannigan is a Dunedin travel agent.