Potato-stuffed pumpkins

Photo: Simon Lambert
Photo: Simon Lambert
This recipe is inspired by the wonderful River Cafe in London. I love the use of a vegetable, holding another vegetable and cooking together so the flavours and textures intertwine. I particularly loved this combo as pumpkins and potatoes are both kitchen staples in our house throughout winter.

Preparation time 15 min

Cooking time 50 min

Skill moderate

2 small (500g ea) or 1 medium pumpkin (buttercup or bushfire)

500g potatoes, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes

¼ tsp dried chilli flakes

1 Tbsp nduja (optional)

5 garlic cloves, sliced thinly

1 Tbsp fresh thyme leaves


Salt and cracked black pepper

Extra virgin olive oil


Preheat the oven 200degC.

Begin by preparing the pumpkins. If you have trouble sourcing small pumpkins, just improvise and cut a larger one in half.

For the smaller pumpkins, cut off and discard the top ¼ of the pumpkins. Scoop out the seeds.

Season the inside of the pumpkins well with salt and pepper and a little of the dried chilli and a grating or two of nutmeg. Drizzle over a little oil and rub all over.

Place on to a lined baking tray and bake until the pumpkin is just tender (about 15 minutes).

While the pumpkins are cooking, cook the potatoes by placing them into a pot with lightly salted water and cook until the potatoes are just tender (8 minutes). Drain immediately and place into a bowl.

Add the nduja (if using), thyme, remaining chilli, season with salt and pepper and drizzle over 2 Tbsp of oil. Toss together gently so the potatoes are well coated.

Spoon into the pumpkins and return to the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes or until the pumpkins are tender all the way through and the potatoes are crispy and golden.