Grand day out for show-goers of all ages

Show Queen Rachel Dick  gives her acceptance speech while fellow contestants (from left) Kristin...
Show Queen Rachel Dick gives her acceptance speech while fellow contestants (from left) Kristin Aarts, Georgia Sharpin, Jenna Lanini (obscured), and Kaitlin de Geest (partially obscured) and convener Anna Morrison look on. Photo by Helena de Reus.
Despite grey clouds overhead, the weather was dry for the 146th South Otago A and P Show in Balclutha on Saturday.

The show boasted a variety of trade stalls, with stunt trial bikes and sheep shearing demonstrations. Woodchopping competitions also ran throughout the day, in addition to the usual judging of animals and sideshow entertainment.

Slideshow: South Otago A and P Show

Hundreds took to higher ground to fill the Balclutha grandstand for a vantage point to watch the grandparade and then witness the crowning of the 2012 Show Queen.

Balclutha hairdresser Rachel Dick (19) won the coveted title, and was also named Miss Friendship and Miss Public Speaker.

Brian Gutsell, of Gore, returned again this year to compete in wood chopping.

Mr Gutsell has been taking part in woodchoppingcompetitions at various A and P shows for many years.

His relatives owned a sawmill in the Catlins and were involved in setting up woodchopping as a sport in New Zealand.

He now competes around the country, following in his grandparents' and uncles' footsteps.

South Otago A and P Society president Jim Berney said the show was one of the biggest events in South Otago's social calendar.

Mr Berney also praised Waitahuna farmer Symon Howard for his "exceptional sheep" which received several awards at the South Otago show, building on his recent success at the Canterbury A and P Show.

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