Retiring cop gets bravery medal for rescue mission

Senior Constable Tony Maw received his Royal Humane Society of New Zealand bronze medal from...
Senior Constable Tony Maw received his Royal Humane Society of New Zealand bronze medal from Canterbury Rural Area Commander Inspector Peter Cooper. Photo: Police
Canterbury Senior Constable Tony Maw did not receive a standard retirement gift at his farewell from the police.

His act of bravery to rescue a woman from a floating vehicle was recognised by the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand.

Maw was presented with a bronze medal for his selfless response when realising a car had ended up in French Bay, Akaroa, shortly after the off-duty officer from Rangiora had completed the Little River Rail Trail bicycle route.

He was with friends driving into the tourist town on October 18, 2021, 28 years to the day he graduated from the Trentham Police College, when one of the group spotted a car in the water.

It had rolled down the boat ramp and was drifting with the tide away from shore.

“I could see a woman in the driver’s seat, but she wasn’t responding to anyone on shore,” Maw said.

“The car was filling with water. I didn’t stop to think. I just got my gear off, chucked my bike shorts on and jumped in.

“You hear people say they didn’t really think about it, they just acted – that’s a real thing, it’s exactly what happened,” he said.

Maw swam about 20 metres to the car and discovered the doors were locked.

Tony Maw propels a woman to shore in Akaroa after rescuing her from a car. Photo: Supplied
Tony Maw propels a woman to shore in Akaroa after rescuing her from a car. Photo: Supplied
However, the passenger window was down, so he clambered over the bonnet as the car was inundated.

“By the time I got to the passenger side, the woman had made her way there too and she kind of fell into my arms.

“I flipped her over and paddled her back.

“To be honest, I was a bit out of practice. The last time I performed a water rescue was 28 years ago in a pool at Police College – there was a moment I wondered if I was doing it right,” he said.

Maw’s medal was accompanied by a citation which backgrounded his life-saving exploits.

“It was later established the incident was a mental health crisis for the woman, and Senior Constable Maw’s actions saved this woman’s life and allowed for ongoing mental health assistance to be provided.”

The car floats to a Daly's wharf at Akaroa after the driver was rescued. Photo: Supplied
The car floats to a Daly's wharf at Akaroa after the driver was rescued. Photo: Supplied
Although there was a successful outcome, Maw was disturbed by the ordeal.

“I had trouble sleeping afterwards, thinking about what would have happened if I didn’t get her out.

“It was great to go back to work. I had a good chat to a mate who could talk from experience and he helped a lot,” he said.

“I know all my workmates would have done the same thing, we just play what’s in front of us.”

Maw’s retirement function was held at the Rangiora branch of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association earlier this month.