Cricket: Larsen steps down from Cricket Wellington

Cricket Wellington today announced that Gavin Larsen will step down from his role as chief executive at the end of October.

Larsen, who was appointed in September 2007, said he had thoroughly enjoyed his time in charge of cricket in the capital.

"I leave knowing that Cricket Wellington is in solid shape and now well positioned to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

"We have a settled and high-quality staff structure, with a very strong board and senior leadership team, who I know will continue to drive the game forward in Wellington.''

Cricket Wellington chairman Peter Garty acknowledged the role that Larsen had played: "Gavin's contribution to cricket in Wellington has been outstanding in all respects, firstly as a home-grown international player, then a board member, and as our chief executive for the last four years. He has built a very strong and respected structure at Cricket Wellington and the foundations have been laid extremely well which will allow the organisation to move forward.''

Larsen said he would remain involved in cricket in some way in Wellington.


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