Plant breeders welcome better protections given by law change

Plant breeders have welcomed the passing of legislation that gives them stronger protection for intellectual property rights to new varieties.

The Plant Variety Rights Bill was passed by Parliament last month and replaces legislation first designed in 1987.

Plant Breeding and Research Association general manager Thomas Chin said tht, after many years of lobbying, domestic plant laws had been finally brought into line with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 91) convention.

"Plant breeders are looking to take up the benefits under UPOV 91 as soon as possible, as it gives rights’ holders strengthened protections to safeguard their intellectual property," he said.

"For New Zealand growers, access is opened to a greater range of new varieties which may assist their competitive position in world agricultural markets."

A significant area of reform clarified the use of farm-saved seed and regulations that enabled breeders to obtain royalties from farmers who saved and replanted seed of protected varieties.

Farmers using non-proprietary varieties will not incur royalty payments.

"Additional funding for breeding programmes from royalties would help incentivise the development of new and improved pasture and arable genetics for farmers and crop end users," he said.

Mr Chin said breeding new varieties with improved traits such as increased yields, more nutritional quality, or better resistance to disease and pests required substantial investment and it could take up to 10 years to develop a new variety for commercial release.

Plant breeders were continuing talks with farmer representatives and government officials to design a royalty administration and collection system, he said.