Josh Osborne, Sequaro Osborne (9), Suzy Fox and Nahoa Fox (2), all of Bluff, found a warm spot at the Oamaru Steam and Fire festival last night.
They came north to attend their first Steampunk Festival, but joined the crowd at Steam and Fire.
Thousands were at the festival; Harbour St and lower Wansbeck St were packed and food stalls attracted queues.
One of the biggest attractions were the holographics of a fire-breathing dragon and other mystical creatures projected on to holographic film applied to windows on three of the Harbour St historic buildings.
The holographics were produced by Golding Arts Derek Golding.
Other attractions included flame machines, street performers, walls of fire, music, dance and food stalls.
Despite the cold, the Tribal Diva Belly Dance Company - Samantha Murphy and Tracey Saunders - warmed the crowd with their performance in outfits more suited to deserts.
A lot of colour was added to the crowd by Steampunkers in their costumes who have come to Oamaru for the four-day Steampunk Festival which continues today and tomorrow.
Major events include the Steampunk Market this morning at the Oamaru Club, League of Victorian Imagineers mess dinner and Steampunk racing tonight at the Loan and Merc and Steampunk Fashion Parade tomorrow afternoon at the Oamaru club.