The proposed new name would be the the Institute of IT Professionals (IITP) - pronounced double I, TP.
Chief executive Paul Matthews said the past four years had seen a lot of change in the society and much progress had been made achieving its purpose and objectives.
"We set out to transform our organisation and while there's still much to do, I certainly feel we are heading in the right direction.
"But there's one major issue we haven't dealt with until now.
I'm going out on a limb here, but I have to say that I personally believe this is the most fundamental step we need to take to secure the future of this important organisation. The time has come to change our name."
The recommendation to change the name had not been made lightly and was the product of a significant and long-running process of research, analysis and consideration, Mr Matthews said.
Some would think it was the "absolute right move" but some would not be sure.
"That's fine too. All we ask is that members take the time to consider the consultation document in full before making up their minds. At the end of the day, this decision is not mine."
The consultation document said that the society had undergone major changes in recent times, including a far stronger focus on a range of professional and educational-based projects such as the development of the independent certification, attention to secondary and tertiary education and a greater level of representation for the profession.
The name change was consistent with other similar bodies such as Institute of Professional Engineers, the Institute of Directors, the Institute of Management and others.
The executive summary of the consultation document said there were numerous reasons for the name change.
The current name had become a barrier to the progress, growth and relevance of the organisation and did not represent what the organisation had become.
The only change being signalled was the name. The culture, meaning, intent, purpose and objects of the society would remain the same.
Independent research found that twice as many members of the public believed they "recognised" Institute of IT Professionals over NZ Computer Society, even though the former did not exist, demonstrating the relevant and recognisable name patter of the new name.