Cold snap to bring snow and frost to South

A brief cold snap will cross the country as the week draws to an end, with frost expected in inland areas.

MetService meteorologist Daniel Corbett said a cold southwest change was expected across the South Island today and the North Island tomorrow.

"This cold snap is late in the season and will have some bite, bringing snow to some of the South Island high country and overnight frosts in places. Mercifully, we expect it to be short."

Mr Corbett said perhaps the biggest impact of the cold snap would be frost.

"The places most at risk are inland parts of both the North and South Islands, overnight Friday."

The weather is expected to heat up on Saturday as a northwesterly spreads quickly across the South Island, where daytime highs in the east were expected to reach 20degC.

Warm and windy weather was likely in many places on Sunday.


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