Partisan divisions are already evident over a parliamentary inquiry into the price of milk with members not even able to agree on a progress statement after meeting yesterday.
Opposition parties pushed for the inquiry after the Commerce Commission found little or no competition in the supply of milk to processors, but said it did not have the power to intervene at that level.
Labour and the Greens want the inquiry to be wide-ranging but the Government may want a tighter range.
Prime Minister John Key said earlier he was concerned a select committee inquiry could "cut across" the work of an inter-departmental group looking into raw milk prices and indicated it should be "highly directed at where it makes sense".
The committee met yesterday to discuss the terms of reference which will determine the scope of the inquiry.
Committee chairwoman Labour's Lianne Dalziel issued a statement this morning saying the committee would not issue a progress statement on yesterday's meeting.
"I know there is a high level of public interest around this. However Standing Orders (Parliament's rules) prevent the chair of the select committee issuing a statement on behalf of the committee unless that statement is fully authorised by the committee.
"I regret I can say no more than that at this stage."
Ms Dalziel yesterday told NZPA she hoped the terms of reference could be agreed before the committee met again next week.
Ms Dalziel, who previously stated she wants the inquiry completed before the November election, hoped the committee would be able to call for submissions on Tuesday.
"I'm very keen to get on with the job."