CYF to be notified over release of child abusers

Judith Collins.
Judith Collins.
Corrections is now notifying Child, Youth and Family about prisoners who are released and could pose a risk to children.

The new notification system is the result of a case of a man who returned to the family home, despite previously fracturing his baby's skull and breaking two of the infant's ribs.

Romeo Misipati was released in May 2015 having served just more than a year in prison. After his release, it was six days until CYF became aware he was back at the family home, and the agency subsequently ensured he moved out.

In response, Corrections Minister Judith Collins asked the department to change its protocols to ensure it automatically notifies CYF when such a person is released into the community.

Today, Ms Collins said a new notification process had begun.

"Existing information sharing policies meant Corrections already notified CYF about many prisoners with offences against children. However, in January, some gaps in the process were identified and these have now been closed."

Ms Collins said the process change particularly affected prisoners who serve less than two years.

"Offenders released on parole with convictions for offending against children were already subject to information sharing where a concern for child safety existed, under an existing agreement between the two agencies," Ms Collins said.

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