Drunken teenagers at a party funded by a high school's anti-drink-driving group have trashed a rural Southland hall.
Bottles were thrown at passing cars and into a children's playground during the out-of-control party, organised by high school pupils using money from the St Peter's College SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) committee, last Friday.
Damage to the Waimumu Hall, near Gore, has disgusted locals and prompted police to warn parents against providing alcohol to young people going to parties, The Southland Times reported today.
Waimumu-Te Tipua Hall Society president Duncan Falconer said yesterday the hirer had given an assurance there would be parental supervision at the party.
"Had we known that would not eventuate we would have gone down (to the hall) and turned people away."
Damage would run into thousands of dollars and those responsible would be held accountable, Mr Falconer said.
The extensive damage inside the hall included panels and doors kicked in, broken windows, and dents in the ceiling.
Mr Falconer said bottles were thrown at passing cars and into a neighbouring playground.
St Peter's College principal Martin Chamberlain confirmed surplus funds held by the SADD committee from the college's after-ball party, which it organised, had "triggered the concept of the party".
The SADD committee managed its own funds and the college did not initiate or know of the party, he said.
Sergeant Craig Sinclair, of Gore, said police were investigating complaints of assault after fighting outside the hall.
It was a warning to parents not to give young people alcohol to take to parties because things could quickly get out of hand, Mr Sinclair said.
SADD regional co-ordinator for the lower South Island, Jasmine Trajkovski, said the party was not a SADD-affiliated event.