Geoff Robinson to leave Morning Report

Geoff Robinson
Geoff Robinson
Radio New Zealand's Morning Report stalwart Geoff Robinson has announced his retirement after more than 30 years in journalism.

Robinson joined the NZBC in Dunedin in 1970 after emigrating from Britain in 1965 and working in banking.

He joined the Morning Report team in 1975 when the programme was introduced and, apart from three years reading news on the then commercial network, has been there ever since.

In 2005 Robinson was awarded an honorary doctorate in literature by Victoria University of Wellington.

Robinson was given a special award for outstanding contribution to radio in New Zealand at the 2007 New Zealand Radio Awards.

Robinson, his voice breaking, told listeners at the end of Morning Report today that his last day would be on April 1 next year.

"I chose that date because it would be the report programme's 39th birthday, we started on the first of April, 1975.

"Apart from a couple of years reading the commercial news, I've been with the report programme all the way through.''

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