'Roast Busters' founder apologises

One of the founders of a group calling themselves the Roast Busters has apparently apologised online for his involvement in the group, whose members claim to have had sex with intoxicated underage girls and then named and shamed them on a social network website.

Online comments have mostly condemned the group's activities, but some were supporting the Aucklanders, aged between 17 and 18.

The Facebook page created by the group was exposed by 3News last night, and the page has since been taken offline.

Police have said the group had been operating since 2011, but as none of the girls had made a formal complaint about the behaviour of the young men, they were unable to lay any charges against them.

A Facebook post, apparently from an unnamed founder of Roast Busters said he had made some "major mistakes" and had tried to make "dramatic changes" to his life.

"I have not been happy with who I have become and if I suffer any consequences from my past actions then I guess I deserve it but I just want people to know I am a good person at heart and I have matured and have taken this as a massive learning experience."

He also apologised to the young girls who had featured on the Facebook page.

"All the girls that have been effected by this whole ridiculousness I apologize and wish the best for you."

The post was put online by @natekelston154 who wrote that he thought the apology was sincere. But he also said "some girls were idiots tho!!"

@GivethNoCareth replied "But what kind of male, takes advantage of a woman who is intoxicated or drugged?"

Another apparent member of the group has been both criticised and supported on his personal Facebook page.

In one post last month, he uploaded a photo of him as a child - when asked what happened to the "cute innocent" boy, he replied: "Turned into a rapist".

After the story broke about Roast Buster's activities, one friend wrote on his page to "Stay strong love".

Most comments damned the group's actions.

One person replied: "he was proud of what he and his mates were doing in fact he advertised this on fb, he degraded these girls and thn named them."

Dr Kim McGregor from the Rape Prevention Education Group hoped police would find a way to take action quickly against the group.

"It's not just that they are wanting to have sex with women, they're wanting to humiliate women - that's a real concern," she told Radio New Zealand.

The men's actions seem to be rape, she said.

"They are getting these young women drunk and we know that if someone is stupefied then they cannot consent, so therefore it would be rape.

"So I hope police are acting very quickly."

Detective Inspector Bruce Scott told 3News yesterday the group's actions were hugely disturbing. "But without actual evidence, my hands are tied."