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Waiting for the racing action to start are (from left) Hannah Roy, of Wanaka, and her father Steve Roy, of Dunedin, and Marie Alcock, of Christchurch, with son Fraser Alcock, of Wollongong, and husband Geoff Alcock, of Christchurch.

Georgie Burdon (11, left), of Lake Hawea, and Nicole Meyer (11), of Hong Kong, were among the large crowd at the races.

Molly the pony with owner Molly Todd (12) and her mother Emily, both of Hawea Flat.

Logan Davidson (3), of Wanaka, finds a way to keep cool at the races.

Julie, Jorja (9) and Brendon Westland, of Rolleston, had a good view of the field action from the back of their ute.

Volunteering at the Lake Hawea Volunteer Fire Brigade sausage sizzle stand are (from left) Phoenix Cooper (11), Lorne Capell and Amie Cotter, of Lake Hawea, and Nige Sandri, of Hawea Flat.

Harness horseman Mick Prendergast (81), of Hyde, wins the first race of the afternoon, the Makarora Pace, at yesterday's Hawea Picnic Races.

Hawea Picnic Racing Club president Paul Cunningham presents the prize for winning the Makarora Pace to Mick Prendergast.

Manning the entry gates are Wanaka Riding for the Disabled representatives (from left) Jules Scaife, Morgan James and Heather Halliday, all of Wanaka.
At the Hawea Picnic Races on Sunday.
- Read the story: Blistering heat marks Hawea Flat picnic races
Photos by Lucy Ibbotson; prints available from