The band, which won $400 credit with The Rockshop for their school, was among 16 primary and intermediate school bands from South Canterbury to Stewart Island.
Rohan also won the musicianship award.
Rockshop Bandquest is a competition for bands of two or more members, with a focus on performance skills. It is the younger sibling of Smokefreerockquest.
JCFG, from St Andrews School, was second, and The Royals (Longford Intermediate), third.
Other results were: Best original song, JCFG; best original lyrics, Xyber (Balmacewen Intermediate), for ''Batman''; best female vocalist, Brianna Hedley (JELB, Longford Intermediate); best male vocalist, Joel Whitcombe (Sonic Valley, Kaikorai Valley College); Rockstar Styles award, Ben Heaps (cajon player, The Royals); ''killer'' guitarist award, Jack Trevashis (Hoodini, Fairfield School); rock-solid bassist award, Gregor Clarkson (Rodeo Clowns); rocking drummer award, Xuan Loke (Hoodini); best keyboardist, Leeym Thompson (Rakiura Rockers, Halfmoon Bay School).