Ten sites in the Taieri area identified in 2009 in the hazardous activities and industries list, which is being revised.
The AgResearch campus at Invermay has four agrichemical disposal sites. Their locations are documented, monitored and have consent. Routine groundwater and sediment monitoring have not indicated any risks to the public.
Coronation Hall, Mosgiel
Results from sampling following the removal of a steel tank containing heating fuel in 2003 showed a localised area of contamination. Due to the limited extent of contamination, the ORC is satisfied that it is unlikely there is a risk to human health.
Fairfield landfill
This is the site of the landfill operated by Waste Management Ltd. The landfill is operational and the consent for depositing waste expires in 2018. As an operational landfill, the site is categorised as ''managed''.
Former Shell Gordon Rd
This site is listed with a status of ''managed''. Petroleum contamination was identified following the removal of an underground storage tank in 2003. The residual contaminant concentrations indicated that there may have been a potential risk to maintenance/excavation workers. As a result, a site management plan was created outlining the safe work procedures required for excavation.
Mosgiel Mobil
Petroleum contamination was identified following the removal of underground tanks in 1999. Groundwater monitoring results received from Mobil Oil NZ in 2009 showed that contaminant concentrations had decreased to acceptable levels.
North Taieri landfill and North Taieri recycle centre
Former Dunedin City Council landfill. An extensive network of monitoring bores and routine groundwater monitoring have not indicated that contaminants from the landfill have migrated off-site significantly. Routine monitoring will continue for the foreseeable future.
Old Brighton Rd, Duncans yard
The site of a contractor's yard was identified due to landfill activities having occurred. The site is categorised as ''managed'', as there is no evidence of off-site discharges or risks to site users under the current land use.
Shell Fairfield
Results from sampling following the removal of a three underground tanks in 2003 showed localised petroleum contamination. One sample exceeded the screening criteria for groundwater protection. However, due to the soil types and depth to groundwater, contaminants would not have discharged to groundwater.
Wingatui closed landfill
Additional investigation was completed by the landowner in December 2009, refining the extent of the landfill. The location is recorded on the DCC property file, and appropriate investigation and remediation would be required through the DCC planning process should the site be developed.
Young Brothers
Copper, chromium and arsenic contamination from timber treatment activities on site was identified in 1995. The site was remediated and is considered acceptable for commercial and industrial use. Consent is held for discharge of contaminants to groundwater from historic contamination, and routine groundwater monitoring is conducted. The site is still used for timber treatment, and is listed with a status of ''managed''.