Marmite lovers flock as 'Marmageddon' ends

Monique Gallagher picks up a couple of jars of Marmite at Gardens New World yesterday. Photo by...
Monique Gallagher picks up a couple of jars of Marmite at Gardens New World yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.

''Marmegeddon'' ended yesterday as Marmite lovers flocked to supermarkets to pick up a jar of their beloved yeasty spread.

It has been 15 months since the Sanitarium Christchurch factory was temporarily closed because of earthquake damage and Marmite production ended.

The loss of the product became known as ''Marmageddon'' as people cleared the shelves of remaining jars.

Since then, Marmite lovers have had to make do with other options.

''I tried other ones [spreads], but they're just not the same,'' Monique Gallagher said as she picked up a jar yesterday.

There was a steady stream of customers buying the spread at supermarkets across the city yesterday. Some stores restricted shoppers to one or two jars, while another was doing Marmite on toast tastings.

Countdown was offering a jar free with every $50 spent at the supermarket. Andersons Bay store manager Dallas Wilson said staff had been restocking the shelf regularly throughout the day.

''It's still in short supply. We'll have just enough to get through the day and not much more.''

Sanitarium general manager Pierre van Heerden said 500,000 jars had been made and distributed across the country, which he hoped would meet demand.


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