Anti-stadium funding campaigners are concerned Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Cairns might be involved in property deals for the proposed Awatea St Stadium - claims he and ORC boss Graeme Martin deny.
The Otago Regional Council is a possible funder of the stadium.
Bev Butler and Lyndon Weggery approached the Otago Daily Times last week with concerns that Mr Cairns' employment with property consultancy firm DTZ New Zealand, and his listing as an agent on its website for a site earmarked for the proposed stadium, was a conflict of interest.
Mr Cairns is branch manager of DTZ, which carries out property sales, leasing and management.
Mr Cairns, a registered valuer, said he had been ‘‘very active'' in commercial sales and leasing in Dunedin for more than a decade.
He has acted for East Parry Investments, of which Earl Hagaman is a director, in respect of the property at 64 Parry St.
Mr Hagaman and his son Damon bought two-thirds of more than 100 former Port Otago ground leases in 2001, which sold in total for $12.6 million.
Mr Hagaman is one of three land owners at the stadium site who have been in negotiations with the Carisbrook Stadium Trust, which needs to secure the site before the stadium can be built.
Mr Cairns said he had ‘‘absolutely not'' been involved in the negotiations with the trust over 64 Parry St.
‘‘I was aware such scuttlebutt was possible. I discussed it with the council and made sure they understood my work with DTZ. That's been officially tabled.''
Mr Cairns tabled a letter regarding his work at DTZ at a workshop for councillors, which was not open to the public or media.
ORC chief executive Graeme Martin said Mr Cairns had instigated discussions on the issue of perceived conflict of interest two or three times and had assured him he had not been involved in transactions for stadium land.
Mr Cairns, aware that because of his role at DTZ there might be a perceived involvement with stadium land sales, had also provided a confidential statement of his clients to the ORC, Mr Martin said.
Mr Martin was satisfied there was no conflict with Mr Cairns position as chairman and any decisions he could be called upon to make in relation to the stadium. - By David Loughrey and Rebecca Fox