'Wellington' completes trials in Southern Ocean

The commanding officer of HMNZS <i>Wellington</i>, Lieutenant-commander Simon Griffiths, on board...
The commanding officer of HMNZS <i>Wellington</i>, Lieutenant-commander Simon Griffiths, on board the offshore patrol vessel. Photo by Craig Baxter.
<i>Wellington</i> arrives in Dunedin. Photo by Craig baxter.
<i>Wellington</i> arrives in Dunedin. Photo by Craig baxter.
<i>Wellington</i> during trials in the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. Photo supplied.
<i>Wellington</i> during trials in the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. Photo supplied.

The HMNZS Wellington arrived in Dunedin on Thursday following successful, if somewhat ice-laden sea trials in the Southern Ocean and Ross Sea.

The three-week deployment resulted in the Royal New Zealand Navy having the ability to operate two of its ships in Antarctic waters for the first time in 40 years. But it was not all easy sailing.

The ship was "hit by the most intense storm I have ever experienced at sea", Dunedin raised Lt-cmdr Griffiths said. It was during this two-day storm the crew heard about the Christchurch earthquake.

Three crew have families in the stricken city and despite patchy communication all were able to learn of their safety.

The ship will be in port until Monday when it returns to Wellington for a "well deserved break". It will not be open to the public.

There had been discussions of the ship docking alongside HMNZS Pukaki, Otago and Canterbury in Lyttelton, but the port was "well served" and the presence of Wellington was not required.


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