Keep lilies dry, cool

Oriental lilies have intense perfume.
Oriental lilies have intense perfume.
Whatever variety you choose, remember lilies hate wet feet, so if your ground does not drain well, sit the bulbs on gravel or grow them in pots.

Because most lilies are stem-rooted, plant them 10cm to 20cm deep in soil enriched with leaf mould.

They are happiest if left undisturbed; just feed annually to keep up their strength.

Except for the shade-loving L. martagon, lilies do best in a sunny spot but like cool feet, so in dry weather keep them watered at the base.

Much has been written about lilies' susceptibility to viruses but grown in the right conditions, this is unlikely to be a problem.

If you love the perfume but find it makes you sneeze, try growing Miss Lucy, the world's first double Oriental lily.

It is sweetly scented but because it does not make pollen, those who are allergic to lilies should be able to tolerate it.


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