The show, hosted by Mark Richardson and Andrew Mulligan, will be back on air from next Monday at a new time of 6.30pm, providing sports fans with the day's highlights 10 minutes before One News and 3 News air their sports news.
The Crowd Goes Wild previously aired at 7pm before it was moved to 10.30pm in October, angering fans of the show, which has a cult following.
A petition titled "Prime please move The Crowd Goes Wild back to 7pm" gained 1317 signatures while a Facebook group called "Bring Back The Crowd Goes Wild to 7pm" got support from more than 2400 people.
At the original 7pm slot The Crowd Goes Wild was competing against the likes of TVNZ's Close Up and Shortland Street and TV3's Campbell Live.
Mulligan is thrilled with the new time, saying: "Nothing leads into Prime Evening News better than a light-hearted look at the day's sports highlights. "It's a nod to the world that things are in their rightful place - after all, we're not alone in thinking sports should take priority over news all the time," he said.
Prime says the show's popular slots including Smashed 'em Bro will be joined by some new features, including handy tips for viewers on the best spots to undertake their favourite sporting pastimes.