Renowned international organist Dr Kemp English resided in Dunedin in past years and is very familiar with Norma the Dunedin Town Hall organ, having also made several CD recordings along with...
As the name suggests, the Kōpūtai People’s Party are a Port Chalmers-based band who play a mixture of funky, original tunes, with the odd bit of reggae for good measure.
Quincy Jones, who worked with artists ranging from Count Basie to Frank Sinatra and reshaped pop music in his collaborations with Michael Jackson, has died at the age of 91.
KRIS KRISTOFFERSON Musician, actor Ruggedly good looking, a gifted singer and talented actor, a high-performing athlete and a Rhodes Scholar, Kristoffer Kristofferson was ridiculously...
The staid world of classical music was forever changed by dynamic record company executive R. Peter Munves, who brought pop sensibilities to selling art music.