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Friday, Fri, 7 MarchMar 2025

Complaint about National Party hoardings

Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.

A complaint to Dunedin police yesterday morning about the potential hazard posed to drivers from these National Party hoarding carriers appeared to be politically motivated, Senior Sergeant Mel Aitken said.

The complainant had been on foot, not driving, she said.

Police checked the area beside State Highway 1 at the North East Valley Cricket Club grounds about 9.10am, but the group had moved on.

Dunedin North National candidate Michael Woodhouse also suspected the complaint was politically motivated, as the supporters had carried out the promotion responsibly.

He believed Dunedin Labour was concerned by the "visibility" and energy of National's Dunedin election campaign.

Dunedin North Labour candidate Dr David Clark had not heard about the police complaint, when contacted. National's Dunedin campaign did not seem particularly high profile, he said.





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