First timer promises honest insight

Lawrence Hamilton
Lawrence Hamilton
Much is made of the antics and revelry of O Week, but what is it really like?

Masters student and first time University of Otago attendee Lawrence Hamilton is to provide the Otago Daily Times with an insider's look at the annual celebration.

This week's O Week will be my first time on a university campus as a student since 2003, when I was a wide eyed journalism graduate from the University of Kentucky.

After completing my degree and spending large amounts of time in Asia and nearly a decade in Australia, I have moved here to experience everything that the University of Otago has to offer.

Dunedin is an intimate and friendly port on the periphery of the world; a beautiful town nestled next to the beating heart of the Pacific.

Moving here was not without its difficulties, but slowly the stark beauty of this place has started to grow on me like a coat of moss. Watching seagulls struggle against the wind in picturesque sunsets, or turning my trip home into a tramp through the green belt, offers a unique kind of spiritual reward.

When I was accepted at Otago Uni I started to hear rumours about the ''wild'' student life. A Dunedin friend told me to imagine Glasgow late at night.

I've never travelled to Scotland, and I've only experienced politeness from Dunedin residents, so to me these rumours of crazy revelries - much like the Yeti - remain a mystery.

To be honest, I don't know what to expect from O Week week and that's exciting.

Are drunken yobbos and couch burning still part of the experience for students in 2015, or is that something that harks back to wilder times and is no longer appropriate?

I can only vouch that I will tell the truth.


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