MH370: Pilot remains top suspect

Zaharie Shah.
Zaharie Shah.
Malaysian police believe if the disappearance of MH370 was the act of human intervention then the likely perpetrator was the pilot.

The Sunday Times in London has reported that the investigation into the disappearance of the plane has cleared everyone on board, except Captain Zaharie Shah, 53.

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was lost on March 8 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew on board.

Police have not ruled out other causes of the crash, such as mechanical failure or terrorism, The Sunday Times reported, however they have suggested that if human intervention was to blame for the plane's disappearance then Captain Zaharie was the likely perpetrator.

The pilot had a flight simulator at home and had programmed flights across the Indian Ocean on the simulator. Those routes were deleted before the crash, but police were able to recover the data.

The criminal inquiry is continuing and these initial findings have been only selectively revealed to foreign governments and air crash investigators, The Sunday Times reported.

"To date no conclusions can be made as to the contributor to the incident and it would be sub judice to say so. Nevertheless, the police are still looking into all possible angles," Malaysian police told The Sunday Times.

Captain Zaharie had previously come under suspicion due to rumoured marital and financial instability; however, Asuad Khan, brother of Captain Zaharie's wife, spoke out to debunk the rumours.

"I can see that a lot of people are saying a lot of things about him which is untrue," he told ABC Australia's Four Corners programme.

Speaking on behalf of his sister, he confirmed she had not left Captain Zaharie.

Mr Khan said Captain Zaharie "had a good life".

"He had a lot of money, and he loved his daughter very much," he said.

No sign of the plane has been found.


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