About 60 people linked hands to take part in the national Hands Across the Sand day of action against deep sea oil drilling at Dunedin's St Clair Beach on Saturday.
Oil Free Otago spokeswoman Niamh O'Flynn said the turnout was good for a cold day, showing the depth of concern about the prospect of oil drilling in the Great South Basin and other sites.
Events were held in other centres, and among the supporters were Olympic rower Rob Hamill and young champion surfer Mischa Davis.
Mr Hamill, also a former Green Party candidate, said the Government could not be trusted to ensure risks were mitigated for exploratory drilling planned for the west coast of the North Island and the east coast of the South Island.
''It's our entire national coastline that is under threat,'' Mr Hamill said. ''They're going to say it's fine, there's no risks involved. [But] you simply cannot guarantee that.''