First lamb shipped to Brazil

Grant Cuff
Grant Cuff
Alliance Group believes Brazil has "great potential" as an export market, after it secured New Zealand's first branded lamb shipment to the South American country.

The shipment, from the company's Pure South range, will arrive in the port of Santos in the middle of next month and be available at 120 stores in Sao Paulo and to diners in restaurants and hotels throughout the country.

The Southland-based meat-processing company was one of the first New Zealand companies to obtain market approval to export to Brazil. The initial shipment is 13 tonnes and volumes are set to increase.

Brazilians consume about 115,000 metric tonnes of sheep meat each year; 81,000 metric tonnes is grown locally and the remainder mainly slaughtered and imported from neighbouring Uruguay.

Brazil had the ability to provide Alliance Group with "significant returns", chief executive Grant Cuff said in a statement.

"With its growing population and an emerging middle class, Brazil shows great potential for New Zealand lamb. Recent reports suggest Brazil's middle class comprises more than half of the country's population," he said.

The lamb, sourced from Southland farms and processed at the company's Lorneville plant, near Invercargill, will be distributed by Alliance Group's in-market partner Wessel.

The shipment includes boneless loins, French racks, bone-in leg, tenderloins and semi-boned shoulder.

The Americas remained an important region for Alliance and the company was "making excellent progress" in the market, Mr Cuff said.

The Lamb Company already imported frozen and chilled sheep meat products into North America in conjunction with other New Zealand shareholders Anzco and Silver Fern Farms, he said.



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