The government has ignored a proposal to produce more doctors in Otago and Auckland and is "bulldozing" ahead with plans for a third medical school in Waikato, a Green Party MP says.
A Dunedin heritage advocate is worried newly-introduced council protections for heritage buildings are not yet matched by an overall vision for the city.
Wildfires and light pollution were two of the main concerns raised as the resource consent hearing for a proposed subdivision at the top of Lake Dunstan continued in Alexandra yesterday.
The government is proposing a law change to stop courts permanently suppressing the names of convicted adult sex offenders, unless the victim agrees to it.
Consumers will soon begin paying a lot more for electricity lines charges, with average monthly increases of between $10 in the main centres to as much as $25 in some regions.
Rural supplies co-operative Farmlands has announced a $14.3million full-year net loss on the back of a $68.2m drop in revenue for the year ended June 30.
Written with a focus on manaakitanga — hospitality and generosity and whanaungatanga — the importance of gathering and sharing kai with loved ones, Christall Lowe’s new book dives deep into her...
On July 4, 100 years ago, a bloke called Heaton Barker idly drew a square around the date on his desk while on the phone discussing the formation of a grocers’ co-operative buying group.
The Kremlin says Russia would respond to what it called a reckless decision by Joe Biden's administration to allow Ukraine to fire American missiles deep into Russia, which it said would...
Today's Letters to the Editor from readers cover topics including defining conservatism, confronting "ideological Zionism", and the consequences of reinterpreting the Treaty.