Mid-winter plunge off jetty for a good cause

A daring group jumped into the wintry water of Governors Bay to help pay for its jetty restoration.

Sunday’s relatively warm weather was encouraging for the 45 jumpers who raised $2077 for the cause.

Jetty Trust secretary Louisa Eades is pleased the mid-winter jetty jump and swim met its funding goal.

“There was a lot of whooping and excitement when people got out of the water. It feels really good to get in the water and get out again,” she said.

Some participants showed their enthusiasm by jumping in multiple times.

“We were really lucky with the weather. The sun came out and it was actually a really beautiful day,” Eades said.

Members from the Canterbury Open Water Swimming Association also swam to the buoy in the bay after their jump.

Eades and Jetty Trust chair Prue Miller also had a go, jumping off the jetty dressed as Superwoman. 

Governors Bay Jetty Restoration Trust's Prue Miller and Louisa Eades. Photo: Emily O'Hagan
Governors Bay Jetty Restoration Trust's Prue Miller and Louisa Eades. Photo: Emily O'Hagan
“It was actually nowhere near as bad as I thought,” said Eades.

After the jump, participants were treated to a well-earned sausage sizzle with hot drinks while they dried off.

The jetty trust has $465,000 left to pay on its loan from the city council, which helped fund the rebuild.

If the city council includes funding for the jetty in its final Long Term Plan, the loan will decrease to $240,000.

- By Emily O'Hagan, made with the support of NZ On Air