Basketball: Irony in effect of dunk

Otago Nuggets vs Nelson Giants at the Edgar Centre on Sunday from left, Nelson's Mika Vukona,...
Otago Nuggets vs Nelson Giants at the Edgar Centre on Sunday from left, Nelson's Mika Vukona, Michael Harrison and Nuggets Riki Bukrell. Photo by Craig Baxter.
The Otago Nuggets may well have fancied another opportunity to play on the back court at the Edgar Centre - they are unbeaten on it, after all.

The Nuggets' game against the Nelson Giants on Sunday had to be shifted from the main court to an adjacent court when a dunk from Michael Harrison damaged the backboard. The centre strut and wires kept it from crashing to the ground but it hung at an odd angle.

But the backboard should be restored in time for the Nuggets' match against the Auckland Pirates at the venue on Saturday night.

"It is away getting repaired," Edgar Centre manager Blair Crawford said.

"They have taken the whole metal arm down and are fixing it and will have it back up by Saturday.

"I suppose it could have happened at any time but having that guy hang off it did it."

The metal strut bent from the force of Harrison's slam dunk, although it was probably the cumulative effect of years of heavy blokes swinging from it.

The irony is the backboard would be obsolete in another few weeks.

The Edgar Centre has spent close to $30,000 on an upgrade and the new backboards are expected to arrive in the country from China in the next few days and in Dunedin the following week.

The Nuggets' last home game this season is against the Harbour Heat on May 19. Crawford said it would "be touch and go" whether the new backboards would be installed in time.

Incidentally, the Nuggets broke a 17-game losing-streak to the Giants with a 97-93 win in overtime.

The franchise has struggled from the outside this season but scored five of its 11 three-point attempts.

Perhaps the rims are more forgiving.


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