Gold Guitar sculpture finds new home

Gore’s Gold Guitar statue has gone northeast to Dunedin. PHOTO: TRADE ME
Gore’s Gold Guitar statue has gone northeast to Dunedin. PHOTO: TRADE ME
What was once a Gore treasure has headed north.

The Gold Guitar sculpture, which used to sit in the town’s main street to advertise the annual country music festival, has left for a new home in Dunedin.

The 6m sculpture, created by artist Erroll Allison, has belonged to Gore collector Frank Wilson for five years.

Mr Wilson bought it from a friend.

He saved it from being scrapped for parts.

However, he found it did not fit well with his collection in Gore, which mainly had a motoring theme.

It was listed on Trade Me and did not sell, though there was some interest.

Mr Wilson said word of mouth led to a Dunedin couple buying the striking guitar.

"They had no idea it was even for sale — a friend told them it was for sale and they rang me."

He was happy it had finally found a home.

"It found its forever home, and that’s what it’s all about.

"I’m happy, they’re thrilled."

He did not say how much it sold for.

It initially had a reserve of $1500 when first listed.

He did not know what the Dunedin couple would do with it.