Fears Firearms Act may force gun clubs to close

The new Arms Act is completely missing the mark and will drown firearms clubs in red tape through its unnecessary regulations, Target Shooting Southland past president Quinton Erskine says.

Multiple target shooting clubs in the South may be forced to fold when new sections of the Arms Act 2020 comes into force after June 24, this year, he believes.

"All the ranges and clubs in Southland are run and staffed by volunteers. The big concern is ... there would be a lot more paper and compliance work to do and some will just walk away leaving one less community group in their area teaching firearm safety," he sad.

Police deputy commissioner Jevon McSkimming said the new regulations created a requirement for all shooting clubs across all codes to be approved and all shooting ranges to be certified by the Police Commissioner.

He said the proposals for the new regulations recognised shooting clubs and ranges played an important role in promoting the responsible and safe use of firearms, by providing safe and controlled space.

He accepted while clubs operated responsibly, they did solely on a voluntary basis. However, the law change now obligated them to ensure responsibilities were met.

Police released a statement earlier this week, acknowledging the early feedback received on the proposals for shooting clubs. It would continue to work closely and frequently with firearms community representatives to understand their concerns and take them into account.

Mr Erskine said the government regulations were only adding a heavy layer of red tape which did not achieve anything.

The Southland region had multiple target shooting clubs divided into five regions across the province. But it only had one dedicated indoor range which was located in Invercargill. Regional club shooting activities often took place in rural community halls.

Mr Erskine believed range certification rules and costs could mean the death of clubs operating in community halls. He doubted those ranges would be approved, despite holding flawless safety records.

Rules governing club ammunition sales now require clubs selling ammunition to be incorporated societies.

Police have released a 137-page discussion document and were requesting submissions from clubs in an attempt to build a workable framework fit for purpose. Final proposals would be presented to the Cabinet for approval after submissions closed on May 4.

Each of the estimated 3000 New Zealand clubs across all shooting codes would be required to submit annual reports and financial records of its operations to the police.

Council of Licensed Firearm Owners spokesman Hugh Devereux-Mack said members had deep concerns about the police’s ability to administer the Arms Act.

Applications for firearms licences were already taking up to 18 months to be approved. Licensed firearms owners were being treated by the police as "criminals or dodgy, not citizens who desired to use firearms safely," he said.

The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand wants the Arms Act rewritten because it believes the new regulations for shooting clubs and ranges were unworkable.

New Zealand Sporting Shooters Association president Chaz Forsyth said the new regulations in the Arms Act 2020 were "another example of vindictive bureaucracy dictated by government ideology against lawful firearms owners following the Christchurch massacre".

The police and government were targeting the wrong people as teaching firearm safety was the major role of clubs.

"There has been no evidence of safety issues reported on civilian ranges in New Zealand ... To close down clubs and shooting ranges because they think that will help is like banning driver training to save lives on the roads."


