An increase of up to 82% in environmental health fees is proposed for Waitaki businesses.
The addition could bump up costs for some businesses by hundreds of dollars.
The increase is outlined in the Waitaki District Council's draft long term plan, which people can make a submission on until April 24.
Environmental health fees are paid to the council by businesses such as cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, takeaway bars, supermarkets, dairies and camping grounds so it can ensure operations comply with legislation such as the Food Act, and minimise any risk to the community.
At present, different rates are charged depending on the type of business being operated.
Council customer services group manager Richard Mabon said a food venue seating 30 or more people, for example, paid $649 at present to have a licence granted for the first time and $299 for a renewal.
''A hairdresser will pay $221 for a licence.''
The move to increase the fees was the result of the higher cost of complying with new government food rules, primarily changes to the Food Act.
Ratepayers shared the cost of environmental health with business owners.
At present, the cost was split 43% from the business (via fees) and 57% from rates.
The target was for the compliance service to be 70% funded by businesses.
''To meet this target businesses face increases of fees of up to 82%,'' Mr Mabon said.
The rates contribution reflected the broader public benefit of having healthy businesses operating in the community, he said.
The council proposal was that either the increase was covered by businesses, or more rates were taken to help the businesses meet the additional costs.
Mr Mabon said the council wanted to ensure an equitable system was in place so both business owners and ratepayers were fairly charged.
He encouraged the community to give feedback on the matter.
Submissions can be made at