On her journey to health from illness she found her calling and she is so keen to share her new secrets she turned it into a business, opening Jae's Health Bar in 2013, and this month a yoga studio, Bliss Studio, in Oamaru.
Four years ago, Ms Omnet was diagnosed with IBS and coeliac disease, after finding she had no nourishment absorption, no hormones and no energy.
Her health was suffering and doctors could not give her answers.
''I don't hide the fact that because of those things, I was also suffering from severe depression [and] insomnia,'' she said.
It came down to a misunderstanding of what was happening with her body, she said.
The problems led her to learn about nutrition, nourishment and digestive learning and she also practised yoga.
It was a ''long and scary road of self-healing'', but it proved to be her biggest inspiration and had become an all-consuming passion.
''My body actually did me a really big favour ... it brought me to the juice bar and [Bliss Studio],'' she said.
''[Now] I want to be there for anyone who is in the same situation.''
Ms Omnet (33) went on to study ''Food as Medicine'' with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and last year, she travelled to Bali to complete an intensive six-week yoga course.
She is also a qualified personal trainer.
She believes yoga gives people the tools to cope with their stressful lives, as they put themselves into a mindful or meditative state to relieve anxiety, stress and tension.
It felt ''incredible'' to open Bliss Studio earlier this month and start sharing her passion and help people ''into their bodies''.
At present, she offers five classes a week and says demand had been ''crazy''.
''I'm getting new people all the time.''
She very quickly learned to develop her own style of yoga.
''Obviously there's absolute structure and there's muscle awareness, safety and technique, but then you can still put it together in your own way, once you've got the knowledge of the body, which is really cool.''
She would love to see her studio, a converted apartment, become a shared space.
''I don't want to be the only teacher. I learn just as much from everyone else, as they do from me.''
Opening Jae's Health Bar in 2013 and now Bliss Studio had taken time, a lot of money and failed attempts, she said.
''It's been scary, because Oamaru is a small town, but I think the awareness of healthy living is growing,'' she said.
Now, it felt like it was ''all coming together'' and she was looking forward to bringing more ''healthy happiness'' to Oamaru in the future.