Prof Schrock won the 2005 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the development of a chemical reaction now used in the chemical industry for the efficient and more environmentally friendly production of pharmaceuticals, fuels and many other products.
Prof Schrock shared the prize with Yves Chauvin, of the Institut Francais du Petrole, an independent research institute based near Paris, France, and Prof Robert Grubbs, of Caltech, "for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis''.
Dr Guy Jameson, a lecturer in the Otago University chemistry department, said Prof Schrock would address departmental staff at a luncheon gathering on Friday and would also participate in a later question-and-answer session with senior chemistry students.
Dr Jameson, who is co-ordinating Prof Schrock's visit to the university, said the departmental staff were "all very honoured that he wants to come''.