Police seek suspension of certificate

Police have applied to have the certificate of a general manager who sold alcohol to two teenagers last year suspended.

Warren Blue, of the Ettrick Tavern, did not appear before the Alcohol and Regulatory Licensing Authority in Queenstown on Tuesday.

Senior Constable Gordon Pay, of Alexandra, said two volunteers entered the premises just before 6.30pm on August 30, ordered a beer and a pre-mixed vodka drink and were served without ID being requested.

One of the volunteers, whose identity was suppressed, said

ID was offered before the drinks were opened.

Mr Blue looked at it, returned it and opened them. Snr Const Pay said one of the volunteers sent a text message saying they had been served alcohol, so he and Anne Fowler, of Public Health South, entered the bar and spoke to Mr Blue.

He became ''agitated and aggressive'' and took them to a garden bar where he continued to be unco-operative.

He took the bottles which had been sold and threw them out, Snr Const Pay said.

Judge John Hole said the authority would issue its decision in writing.

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