Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is an agency of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference that works towards making a difference in the lives of people living with poverty or injustice.
Between 3pm yesterday and 3pm today, each pupil at the college will take part in one of four different challenges - Move It (where pupils walk, run, swim, cycle or play a sport for 24 hours to remind them what travelling long distances to access basic necessities feels like); Sweat It (where pupils work in shifts over 24 hours, making items that help meet the needs of others, to show them the physically demanding conditions young people endure daily); Live It (where pupils sleep in a temporary cardboard shelter overnight to experience what living without a home feels like); and Stop It (where pupils give up using electricity, technology or food, so they can experience the hardship of the world's poor).
Most of the activities were done at home, with the help of family and friends.